Webhook integrations
You can integrate Smartlook webhooks with other services. Currently, Smartlook supports integrations with Zapier and Make.
Add Smartlook to Zapier
To integrate Smartlook with Zapier:
- Go to your Zapier account. If you don't have an account, you can create one.
- Click
+ Create Zap
. - In the search field, enter and select Smartlook.
- Choose an event: New issue or New note.
- Click Continue.
- Sign in to Smartlook using an API token. For more information on API tokens, see REST API.
- Click Continue.
- Click Test trigger to be sure it is set up correctly. You've now completed step 1 of Zapier.
- For step 2, choose the action you want Zapier to take when your webhook is triggered.
Your Smartlook webhooks are now integrated with Zapier. You can begin receiving notifications.
Add Smartlook to Make
To integrate Smartlook with Make:
- Go to your Make account. If you don't have an account, you can create one.
- Click + Create a new scenario.
- Click the + in the middle of your screen.
- Search for Smartlook and select it.
- Choose a trigger: Watch Issues or Watch Notes.
- Click Add in the Create a webhook box.
- In Webhook name, add a name.
- In Connection, choose your Smartlook account. If you haven't added your account yet, click Add.
- If you are adding your account, give the account a name, enter your API token, set your data region (if necessary), and click Save.
- Back in the Create a webhook box, click Add.
Your Smartlook webhooks are now integrated with Make. You can begin receiving notifications.
Updated about 2 years ago