Optimizely Smartlook integration
Smartlook, helps you get deeper insights on the A/B testing you have set up using Optimizely.
Set up your experiment and variations within Optimizely (you can check out documentation on how to do it, here) as normal. After the experiments are set up, take note of the experiment and variation IDs.
To locate the IDs, you can check the [How to locate IDs for the Optimizely Event API.
Within your smartlook('identify', user_id); block, add the desired IDs as custom traits:
smartlook("identify", uid, {
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"experiment_id": "123456",
"variation_id": "A",
To get a more complete overview on how the ID identify works in Smartlook, you can check our documentation about Identify visitor.
You can also group sessions of the A/B testing with specific parameters, based on experiment and variation, saving the filters. These can then be used in our Smartlook features like for example Funnel and Event.
Updated almost 2 years ago