Slack Smartlook integration
Our integration with Slack allows you to seamlessly share recordings, notes and issues you might encounter in recordings, directly from the Smartlook player to the designated Slack channel.
The only thing you need to do to enable this integration is to authorize the Smartlook app in your Slack workspace. Once you authorize the integration, it’s ready to use.
Setting up the integration in Smartlook
Manage Projects > Integrations >Slack
Then 'Authorize' the integration for the correct projects.
Setting up the Integration in Slack
Once you enable the integration, you will be redirected to you slack channel for login. Enter the URL for your slack work space and then click continue.
Integration customization
You will then be redirected back to Smartlook where you can make adjustments to the integration. You can choose which channel you will receive the shared recordings notes or issues. If you would like Slack to receive notes made in Smartlook, if you would like Slack to receive recordings which are shared in Smartlook, or if you would like Slack to receive issues you have found in recordings.
Updated almost 2 years ago